Outlook - Eastern and New Ages



Eastern Religion: Hindu Yoga

What is Yoga; is it a religion? - Swami Rama

Yoga is Religion

Cours de YOGA par des jeunes filles. Vidéo Youtube.

Yoga Clip-1. www.Thruthseekers.ws

Yoga Clip - 2. www.Thruthseekers.ws

Yoga Clip - 3 www.Thruth seekers.ws

Sri K. Pattabhi Jois on Ashtanga Yoga

"Yoga Unveiled" Documentary Trailer

Questions and Answers. Part 18. The Dangers of Yoga

Questions and Answers. Part 21. Illnesses due to Yoga

Woodstock Education : Kundalini Yoga ou Hippies and DMT

Suzie Does Woodstock - Show her your Yoga moves (vidéo drôle)

Meditation Tutorial



Missouri's yoga enthusiasts go to the mat over sales tax. Los Angeles Times. December 18, 2009.

Yoga - On your mat, Get set, go. There was a time when yoga was seen as something exotic, practised by counter-culture types in search of spiritual enlightenment. The Gazette. July 19, 2006.

Roots of yoga: educating christensen. blogspot.Shadow Warrior. A Hindu Nationalist Perspective. February 20, 2005.

Websites and articles


Yoga in Transition. Jennipher Shaver. IDEA Health & Fitness, Volume 1, Number 1, 2009.

What is Yoga? Complementary Medicine. India. aarogya.com

Stretching the Boundaries of Consciousness. The True Nature of Yoga. Dr. Barbara Steinman. 22 January 2007.

Yoga renamed is still Hindu. Subbhas R. Tiwari, professeur à Hindu University. Hinduis Today. January/February/March, 2006.

About Yoga. Loyola Marymount University.

Classical yoga hindu academy

What is hatha yoga ?

Yoga / religion / Spirituality

The true facts about yoga

Hinduisim – The religion of yoga

Yoga is for everybody Yoga facts Answer of Swami Param of Classical Yoga Hindu Academy after a blog's article : Massena High School allows yoga, calls it 'Raider Relaxation'. The Associated Press, October 15, 2008. “From a Hindu point of view, please look at the facts that all of real Yoga is Hinduism”.

Kundalini Yoga. Frequently Asked Questions. Yoga Bhajan. Ph. D. Master of kundalini yoga.

Global Oneness
- Yoga: Special Spiritual Benefits of Yoga
- Yoga: Therapeutic Yoga by India Times
- Yoga Philosophy: Yoga - Beyond The Body And Mind by Meena Om
- Yoga and philosophy. A Tribute to Hinduism. : Thoughts and Wisdom spanning continents and time about India and her culture. Sushama Londhe. Published by Pragun Publications, New Delhi, India. Distributed by D.K. Publishers Distributors (P) Ltd.


Kundalini FAQ. Kundalini : Frequently asked questions and selected references. Kurt Keutzer. 2002.

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