Outlook - Christians

Caryl Matrisciana. Angleterre.

Internet : http://www.carylmatrisciana.com/ Blog : Caryl’s Blog

Spiritual Warfare. Radio Liberty Seminar. 2007. http://www.radioliberty.com/ Interview

Cheryl Brodersen with Caryl. HisChannel.com. 2009.

Caryl Matrisciana on Eastern Mysticism. 2002.

DVD to order from her website Caryl Production

YOGA UNCOILED : From East to West A look into the practice of Yoga in the Church Many believe they can practice yoga postures, breathing, and focusing techniques devoid of yoga's spirituality, not realizing that yoga is an inherent part of Hindu philosophy which teaches man and nature are one with divinity. Today, yoga is experiencing a worldwide renaissance and in America has more than 70,000 yoga teachers working in 20,000 locations. Although viewed primarily as fitness instructors, these trainers are in reality the leading missionaries of eastern religion in the west. The twenty-seven billion dollar a year yoga industry is marketed to students, athletes, businessmen, pregnant women and senior citizens promising solutions for stress reduction, concentration problems, and issues of self confidence. Once viewed by Christians as a pagan import from the East, yoga has now become mainstream in the church through "Christ-centered yoga classes" designed to help improve spirituality and experience "the presence of God". But is yoga's mysticism compatible with historic Christianity? Video-journalist Caryl Matrisciana, who was born and raised in India, returns to her native land to search for truth among India's leading experts and examines what Christian Yoga practitioners in the West are saying about their Yoga participation. With critical discernment, this hard-hitting and informative DVD explores the ramifications of dismissing yoga's core spirituality, and blending Biblical terminology and precepts with eastern meditative techniques and practices.
Les Dieux du Nouvel age (God's of the New Age)
Vidéos. Caryl Matrisciana & Dave Hunt.

"Yoga as a form of meditation, as a way of living, as a way of improving is nothing but a deceptive way to deny Christ and accept the power of the demons! Any form of mediation comes from ancient India, and are ancient hindu waysof preparing the soul for death and nothing more. Guru have changed their traditional way to manipulate, convince and decept naive and fouls from the West with their demonic powers. A guru is considering himself greater than GOD because throughout him you can achieve illumination. Reincarnation is not real, is a pagan demonic form of possesion and as hindus say is a curse hard to bear. Yoga is a modern Pagan Religion and their ultimate purpose is (beside making the guru's very rich) to enslave all population through deception, in it's ultimate form: The New Age. Miraculous healings, powers, levitation, materialization of matter are forms of demonic manifestation and those exposed to it are in terrible danger."
Matrisciana, Caryl. Gods of the New Age. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1985. amazoon.com
Matrisciana, Caryl. Out of India: A True Story About The New Age Movement. carylmatrisciana.com
Mike Shreve
Former instructor warns of yoga's spiritual implications. OneNewsNow.com. February 2, 2007.
What really is “the kundalini”? Mike Shreve. thetruelight.net. Transcendantal Meditation.
Mike Shreve. The truelight.net. Ex teacher of kundalini yoga in four universities. (Yogi Bhajan).
Former Kundalini Yoga Teacher Turns to Christianity.
Partie 1/8
Partie 2/8
Partie 3/8
Partie 4/8
Partie 5/8
Partie 6/8
Partie 7/8
Partie 8/8
Vail Carruth
Internet : Living-Light.Net http://www.living-light.net/cms/


Vail Carruth's Story. The truelight.net. Ex teacher of Transcendantal Meditation.


TM wants youAuthentic enlightenment
Authentic Enlightenment tells the story of Vail Carruth. She devoted herself intensely to Transcendental Meditation (also known as TM) seeking for answers in life. She studied directly under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and advanced to the point of teaching this practice. Then Vail received an experience of ultimate reality that changed the course of her life. In her own words, Vail Carruth explains,"Although it did seem to relax me, something didn't seem quite right. The peace I attained was one of emptiness rather than of fullness. My spiritual journey took a new direction when I began to call on the Name above all names. It was only then that I finally experienced a personal knowledge of God, the kiss of God." (traduction)


Dave Hunt. Radio shows. United States.
Dave Hunt. Radio shows. United States.

Non-spiritual yoga (yoga in school)
John Piper, noted Christian author and Senior Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis gave an impassioned sermon warning Christians about what he called "mantra meditations" and Yoga. You may listen, watch or read his February 17, 2008 sermon.

Pat Robertson not down with Yoga. He thinks it is praying to Hindu Gods and therefore should not be practised by Christians.

Is yoga un-Christian? "Prime News" viewers react to a pastor who says yoga hurts your faith. Erica Hill checks the in-box and answers e-mail. Prime News with Erica Hill.

No Yoga for Christian ? Somes says it’s dangerous for faith. Pulpit Magazine » Blog Archive » John MacArthur, Doug Pagitt, and Yoga Blog posting which has transcript of debate between John MacArthur and Doug Pagitt on Christian Yoga. Also, includes youtube link to broadcast clip.Chaire Magazine »Blog Archive» John MacArthur, Doug Pagitt et Yoga. Erica Hill. Prime News. CNN. 11-09-07.

"Yoga is not anti-christianity" Yoga Guru Suneel Singh.
Yoga's a tough sell at some churches. Jennifer Garza, Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, USA. September 7, 2007.
British priests call yoga 'un-Christian'. The Asian Pacific Post. Thu, September 06 2007.
British Hindus upset by yoga ban at two English churches. Trevor Grundy. ENI. Septembre 04, 2009.
Yoga Stretches Traditional Christian Boundaries. Alexandra Alter. Religion News Service. 2003.
New Age practices and yoga
Vatican looks at New Age, issues appeal to discernment. National Catholic reporter. 21-02-03.
"The thesis is that many practices bundled under the heading of "New Age," whether tarot cards or astrology or channeling, reflect ideas "difficult to reconcile with Christian doctrine and spirituality."

Vatican sounds new age alert. BBC News World Edition. February 4, 2003.

Jesus Christ the bearer of the water of life. Council for the cluture pontifical council for interreligious dialogue. February 3th, 2003

Websites and articles


The dangers of Yoga and its incompatibility with Christianity Blog de Brian Showalter. Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Étirer la vérité. Angeline Schellenberg, chroniqueuse à Christian Week. Le lien. Un regard chrétien sur la monde actuel. Janvier-Février 2009, Numéro 1.
Is it a sin to use a yoga DVD purely for it's physical exercise? Question to Bro. Ignatius Mary. allexperts.com. January 18, 2009.
The yoga boom : A call for Christian discernment. Part 1 : Yoga in its original Eastern context. Elliot Miller. Christian Research Journal, volume 31, number 2 (2008).
The yoga boom : A call for Christian discernment. Part 3 : Toward a comprehensive christian response. Elliot Miller. Christian Research Journal, volume 31, number 4 (2008).
Yoga : yokes, snakes, and gods. Marcia Montenegro. Christian answers for the New Age.
Yoga : From Hippies to hip. Marcia Montenegro. Christian answers for the New Age. February, 2004.
Chris Lawson's articles
Christian yoga. Rooted in hindu occutlism_pt1.Christian yoga. Rooted in hindu occutlism_pt2.
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute. Ankerberg John Dr. & John Weldon Dr. Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Harvest House, 1996.
Yoga. by Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon
Yoga Part 2. Yoga and Children.
- Dr. John Ankerberg & Dr. John Weldon - well researched paper with excerpts on thedangers and complications of yoga and meditation from noted guru's such as SriChinmoy and Gopi Krishna.
What does the catholic church say about yoga. Metamorphose. Michael Prabhu. 4-5 April 2009.
Yoga. Metamorphose. Michael Prabhu. March 2007.
Yoga. A summary. Michael Prabhu. Metamorphose. January 2007.
Dangerous Meditations. What harm is there in achieving a higher state of consciousness through meditation? Douglas Groothuis. Christianity Today. November 2004, Vol. 48, No.11.
The Truth About Yoga. Holly Vicente Robaina. Today’s Christian Woman. March/April 2005, Vol. 27, No. 2, Page 40. Present the story of Christian speaker/author Laurette Willis.
Is Yoga Really So Bad? The truth behind this exercise sensation. Sarah E. Pavlik . Today’s Christian Women. October 5, 2007.
Yoga : Exercice or Religion ? Brad Scott. The Watchman.
Yoga and the Christian Faith. Dr. Christine Mangala Frost.
What Yoga Really Is. Everything is Ashes. Johannes Aagaard. Dialogcentret. December 30, 1980.
What’s in a word ? Eddie Russell FMI.
Yoga. EarthHarvest
Yoga. Today's lifestyle for health. Let us reason ministries.
A Great compromise. Let us reason ministries.
Yoga is NOT for Christians. December 2, 2004.
Yoga. Relaxation or Occult? Biblical Discernment Ministries. Revised 2002.
Yoga and christianity : Are they compatible ? Michael Gleghorn. Probenet. Includes references to ancient Hindu texts. PDF Version
Yoga: Health or Stealth. Roman Catholic ministry.
The Cross and the Veil.Yoga is EVIL!!!!! bigdumbchimp.blogspot.com, december 20, 2007.
Yoga is Occult? Kimolsen. Wordpress.com. June 5, 2007.
Why is Yoga incompatible with Catholicism? Father John Hardon, S.J. 1998.
Yoga and T'ai Chi. Craig Branch, The Watchman Expositor, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1990.

What really is “the kundalini”? Mike Shreve. thetruelight.net. Transcendantal Meditation.

Transcendantal Meditation

Is TM a Religion? Behind the TM facade.

Alternative therapies
Yoga is "NOT" Christian. Eastern Regional Watch.
Yoga Exercise or Religion? The Apologetics Index.
· The influence of eastern mysticism. Dave Hunt, Occult Invasion, Harvest House, 1998.
· Eastern mysticis – part two. Dave Hunt, Occult Invasion, Harvest House, 1998.

Ankerberg, John & Weldon, John. The facts on hinduisme. Answers to the most frequently asked questions about reincarnation, yoga, enlightenment, meditation. Harvest House Publishers. August 1991. johnankerberg.org

Ankerberg, John & Weldon, John. Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs. 1996. johnankerberg.org
Transcendantal Meditation
The Basic Conflict Between Maharishi and Christianity - 1984 Pastoral statement of Cardinal Jaime Sin, Catholic Archbishop of Manila. Explains why Transcendental Meditation is unacceptable for Christians as a doctrine or a practice.
Martial arts

Q & A Can a Christian be involved in Martial Arts? A former Karate and Kung-fu practioner writes about his experiences. Martial Arts Part 1. carylmatrisciana.com. ici.
Maharaj, Rabi R. & Hunt, Dave. Death of a guru. A remarkable true story of one man’s search for thruth. Harvest House publisheurs, 1984. amazoon.com

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